Spent a nice night out with friends in the Printworks on friday night. After spending the week on a bit of a comedown with post-meet blues after an excellent weekend away last weekend, it was just the tonic I needed.
After dinner and some drinks we indulged in our favourite past time of people watching from outside Waxyapos;s. When you look at people on a night out, if youapos;ve seen one you really have seen apos;em all. All the lads have the same shorn heads and stripey jumpers and all the girls move in blonde packs wearing the same dresses. Apparently black outfits and neon pink tutus are de rigeur at the moment.
I saw this one party of 4 girls by the cash machines, all with the same shade of blonde and the same haircuts and outfits and they all looked the same. If you were out on the pull it wouldnapos;t make any difference which one you got off with because they were indistinguishable from one another. Itapos;s like ordered a blonde off the rack. Btw - not having a go at blondes here, but there were an awful lot of them about and all looking the same.
I looked around at my friends and thought - theyapos;re all individuals. We all looked different from one another and each brought a different something to the night out. This is a good thing and one of the many reasons I love my friends. I wonder what the blondes did? Went and stood in one of the pubs where loud music drowns out all attempts at conversation? Discussed whoapos;s fittest on Hollyoaks? Drank silly cocktails and squealed when they crossed the roads and a taxi beeped them? All the other ones were...
I came home sometimes around 1-ish and I havenapos;t left the house since then. In fact if it wasnapos;t for a free dinner round my folks and a hockey game later this evening, I doubt Iapos;d kiss sunlight until monday morning
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